Are you on vacation in Urbino and don’t know what there is to see? Don’t worry, we have the solution for you!

In this guide, we will illustrate the 19 unmissable attractions of a city rich in history, culture, and natural beauty. From Renaissance palaces to evocative medieval alleys, we will discover together what to see in Urbino to make your visit absolutely unforgettable.

And if you only have one day available? Don’t worry! At the end of this guide, you can find a special itinerary to catch the best of the city even if you only have a few hours to visit it. Prepare your camera and let yourself be enchanted by the wonders of Urbino!

Visiting Historic Palaces and Monuments

Urbino is a true treasure trove of historical treasures, rich in enchanting palaces and monuments that tell centuries of history and art. Walking through its streets, you will find yourself immersed in a magical atmosphere, surrounded by marvelous buildings that seem to have come from another era.

Within the walls of these palaces lie fascinating stories and architectural masterpieces that will leave you breathless. Ready to discover them?

1. Palazzo Ducale (Ducal Palace) of Urbino

Palazzo ducale


The Palazzo Ducale is a true Renaissance jewel. Located in the heart of the old city, this magnificent building houses the National Gallery of the Marche and the Lapidary Archaeological Museum.

The Palazzo Ducale was Federico da Montefeltro’s most ambitious project, a man who wanted to make Urbino the “city of the prince”. One of the building’s unique features is its imposing and refined structure, which perfectly reflects the elegance of the Renaissance.

Among the things to see in Urbino, the Palazzo Ducale is certainly one of those not to be missed: let yourself be amazed by its magnificence and immerse yourself in a journey through time. Don’t miss the opportunity to discover this great Renaissance masterpiece!


  • Full € 10.00
  • Reduced € 2.00
  • Free according to admission rules
  • Combined National Gallery of the Marche and Rocca di Gradara € 13.00 
  • Combined National Gallery of the Marche, Rocca di Gradara, Camminamenti € 15.00 
HOW TO BOOK tel:+390722350077 
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2. Fortezza Albornoz (Albornoz Fortress)

Entrance to the Albornoz Fortress (image source: Limoncellista)


The Fortezza Albornoz, located in the southwestern corner of the walls of Urbino, is an imposing fortification that dominates the city from above, offering a breathtaking panoramic view and a perfect scenario for those who want to take memorable souvenir photos.

Today, this building is one of Urbino’s most renowned attractions, not only for the history that breathes within its walls, but also for the beautiful park at the foot of the fortress. The latter, the Parco della Resistenza (Resistance Park), is a true oasis of peace and is the ideal place for a relaxing walk, alone or in company.

Enrich your vacation by treating yourself to a dip into the past. Don’t know how to reach the fortress? No worries! We have created a route for you!


  • € 1.50
  • € 1.00 for groups of 5 or more people 
  • Free up to 10 years old 
HOW TO BOOK tel: +390722324590 
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3. Raffaello Monument

If what you’re looking for on your vacation in Urbino is a dip into local culture, then you can’t miss the monument dedicated to the city’s most illustrious genius: Raffaello.

The painter’s statue is located among the trees and flowers of Piazzale Roma (Roma Square), with an open sky background that enhances its polychrome bronzes and marbles. A selfie with this sculpture is a must for every single tourist visiting Urbino.

Take your iconic photo with the iconic monument as well. Here are the directions to reach it.


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4. Rampa Elicoidale (Helical Ramp)

Rampa elicoidale

Located inside the imposing tower overlooking Piazza del Mercatale (Mercatale Square), the rampa elicoidale (helical ramp) is a majestic example of Renaissance ingenuity.

Imagine a spiral staircase through which the Duke could ride on horseback up to the foot of the Palace while overseeing the work of the grooms. For that time, a structure of this kind was a true novelty and a decidedly avant-garde project.

Today, this place is one of the most famous and important Renaissance remains and is absolutely a must-see if you are in Urbino.


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5. Porta Valbona (Valbona Gate)

Porta Valbona is a historic entrance that opens onto Piazza del Mercatale and leads directly to via Mazzini, the city’s main artery.

Passing through this gate is like crossing a threshold between past and present. Imagine the splendor of past eras, when the duke and duchess passed under these same arches, accompanied by celebrations and acclamations. You can almost hear the echo of voices and the sound of horses, feel the emotion and pride of the citizens of the time.

Among the attractions of Urbino, this gate is certainly one of those capable of transporting the mind to the past and making you understand the richness of the historical events that have marked this city. If you want to experience the emotion of walking through this monumental entrance, here are the directions to reach it.


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6. Piazza della Repubblica (Republic Square)

Located between the two hills of the city, this square is a central node where the main streets converge: Via Mazzini, Via Cesare Battisti, Via Vittorio Veneto, Corso Garibaldi, and Via Raffaello.

Walking through Piazza della Repubblica, you can feel the heartbeat of the city. The atmosphere is made even more evocative by the modern clock that marks the hours at the beginning of Via Vittorio Veneto and the traditional clock on the cathedral bell tower overlooking the square.

Here, among the porticos and lively cafes, you’ll find the perfect place to relax and observe the daily life of Urbino. Moreover, with the university students roaming around at all hours of the day, you’ll experience the vibrancy of the place and understand that it’s full of energy.


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The Splendid Religious Sites

Urbino is famous not only for its history but also for its marvelous religious sites. Every church here has a unique story to unveil, rich in fascinating details and artistic masterpieces.

In the following lines, we will take you on a discovery of the most beautiful and significant religious sites in Urbino. Get ready to be enchanted by these timeless masterpieces.

7. Oratorio di San Giovanni Battista (Oratory of St. John the Baptist)

One of the religious monuments in Urbino that you must visit is certainly the Oratorio di San Giovanni Battista, a building characterized by a splendid neo-Gothic facade, restored in the early 20th century.

But the real marvel is inside. Here, you can admire an imposing cycle of Gothic frescoes representing the Crucifixion of Christ and the Stories of the Life of St. John the Baptist. These representations will transport you back in time, revealing all the mastery of medieval artists and leaving you speechless.

Let yourself be fascinated by the artistic wonders of this sacred place. Discover how to reach it from the city center.


  • Full € 3.00 for adults over 18 years old;
  • Reduced € 2.00 from 10 to 18 years old, for groups of more than 15 people, 
  • School groups: Euro 1.00
  • Free for visitors up to 9 years old and people with disabilities
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8. Duomo di Urbino (Urbino Cathedral – Cathedral of Santa Maria Assunta)

Duomo Urbino


The Cathedral of Santa Maria Assunta is the most important (and imposing) religious site in Urbino. After being damaged by two earthquakes, today the cathedral is a majestic example of Neoclassical art and is fully part of the most beautiful things to see in Urbino in one day.

Even from the outside, you can perceive that the building’s style is elegant and refined, but it’s only by crossing the cathedral’s threshold that you’ll have confirmation of this. Here, you will be enveloped by a combination of Neoclassical and Renaissance elements that will throw you into a timeless atmosphere, where past and present blend perfectly.

Are you curious to admire this marvelous piece of the city’s history up close? Here are the directions you need to reach it comfortably on foot.


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9. Oratorio di San Giuseppe (Oratory of St. Joseph)

The Oratorio di San Giuseppe is a true pearl of the city and, as a tourist, you must necessarily include it among the stops of your trip to Urbino.

Crossing the majestic entrance portal, an imposing staircase will lead you through a corridor that, with its unique perspective, will already give you a taste of the evocative atmosphere that awaits you. Here, every corner tells a story, and every showcase displays treasures capable of catapulting guests back in time.

The adjacent church is also full of surprises. Inside, you can admire both the splendid frescoes on the walls and the beautiful altar. And don’t forget to raise your gaze upwards to admire the Murano glass chandelier hanging from the ceiling: a true work of art that illuminates the entire environment with a magical light.


  • Full € 3.00 for adults over 18 years old
  • Reduced € 2.00 from 10 to 18 years old, for groups of more than 15 people
  • School groups: Euro 1.00
  • Free for visitors up to 9 years old and people with disabilities
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10. Chiesa di San Domenico (Church of St. Dominic)

The Church of San Domenico, located at the beginning of the street of the same name, is right in front of the Palazzo Ducale. Its enchanting facade, as well as the double staircase leading to a 15th-century pronaos, are artistic masterpieces that cannot be missed if you are visiting Urbino.

The church is also linked to the old convent of the Dominican Fathers, now the seat of the Diocesan Seminary. Walking around the area, you can still see the remains of the convent and the ancient wall of the conventual garden, silent testimonies of a centuries-old history.

Embark on this fascinating journey into history and let yourself be seduced by the beauty of this Renaissance work.


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11. Chiesa di Santo Spirito (Church of the Holy Spirit)

While walking through the streets of Urbino, stop on Via Bramante to discover the Church of Santo Spirito. Cross the portal and let yourself be fascinated by the barrel-vaulted ceiling decorated with the magnificent monochrome frescoes by Girolamo Cialdieri.

On the main altar, admire the splendid canvas of the Pentecost, a masterpiece attributed to Federico or Taddeo Zuccari, which will strike you with its vivid colors and extraordinary details. Particularly interesting are also the walls of the church, adorned with figures of various kinds: from canvases depicting the Apostles, to works by Claudio Ridolfi such as the Presentation of the Virgin at the Temple and St. Charles Borromeo.

Don’t miss this unique experience in Urbino. Come and discover this hidden treasure of this Marche city.


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Visiting Museums and Theaters in Urbino

The city of Urbino is a true treasure trove of cultural treasures, rich in museums and theaters that recount its fascinating history and extraordinary artistic heritage. Below, we will list the most important ones, so as to turn your visit to Urbino into a complete and fulfilling cultural experience.

12. Galleria Nazionale delle Marche (National Gallery of the Marche)

The National Gallery of the Marche, located in the magnificent Palazzo Ducale of Urbino, is an unmissable stop for anyone who wants to immerse themselves in the art and history of the Italian Renaissance. This museum houses a rich collection of works of art, many of which came from churches and convents in the Marche region in the 19th century.

The most famous section of the Gallery is dedicated to the Urbino Renaissance, with masterpieces by Piero della Francesca, such as the celebrated “Flagellation of Christ” and the “Diptych of the Dukes of Urbino”.

But there are not only paintings: the top floor of the Gallery also hosts a precious collection of ceramics, offering a fascinating glimpse into the Marche region’s artisan tradition. On the ground floor, the Urbino Archaeological Museum presents a rich collection of epigraphs, perfect for archaeology enthusiasts.

Finally, don’t forget to visit the museum shop, where you can purchase books, reproductions, and other souvenirs to take home a tangible memory of this extraordinary experience.


  • Full € 10.00
  • Reduced € 2.00
  • Free according to admission rules
  • Combined National Gallery of the Marche and Rocca di Gradara € 13.00
  • Combined National Gallery of the Marche, Rocca di Gradara, Camminamenti € 15.00
HOW TO BOOK +39 0722 2760
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13. Casa Natale di Raffaello (Raphael’s Birthplace)

Casa Santi, built in the 14th century, is the place where the genius Raphael was born in 1483. Here, every corner offers a glimpse into the young painter’s life.

The main hall houses the paintings of Giovanni Santi, Raphael’s father, while the bedroom, where the famous painter is believed to have been born, preserves the “Madonna di Casa Santi”, a sweet Madonna and Child attributed to the master.

Don’t forget to go up to the second floor, where a rich assortment of 19th-century coins and portraits await, telling the story and legacy of the “divine painter”.

Dedicate at least a couple of hours to this visit to fully savor the emotions and stories kept within these walls. If you’re curious to discover anecdotes and secrets about the Santi family and their works, sign up for the guided tour. Here are our instructions for booking it.


  • € 4.00 over 16 years old
  • Free up to 15 years old 
  • € 3.00 per person for groups of at least 15 paying visitors
  • School groups: Euro 1.00 per student
HOW TO BOOK 0722320105
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14. Museo Diocesano Albani (Albani Diocesan Museum)

Located on the ground floor of the Archbishop’s Palace, with an entrance from the Urbino Cathedral, the museum develops in ten evocative rooms, including the two ancient sacristies of the cathedral.

This place was officially inaugurated in 1964, but its origins date back to the second half of the 18th century, when the cathedral sacristies began to house liturgical furnishings, sacred vestments, and works of art destined for illustrious visitors.

Among the wonders exhibited here, you can admire above all the celebrated “Flagellation of Christ” by Piero della Francesca, a masterpiece that is housed in the 15th-century sacristy.

At the end of your visit, don’t forget to stop at the bookshop to take home a unique souvenir from this experience.


  • Full €5 
  • Reduced €3.50 (ages 11 to 17 – max groups of 10 people)
  • Reduced €2 (groups of 10 people with a licensed tour guide) 
  • Family reduced (1 child enters free) 
  • Free (disabled visitors, children under 10, tour guides, tour companions)
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15. Teatro Raffaello Sanzio (Raphael Sanzio Theater)

The Teatro Raffaello Sanzio is the beating heart of the cultural life of Urbino and regularly hosts a great variety of shows, from classical music concerts to contemporary theatrical performances.

The interior decorations, as well as the radical renovation it underwent between 1977 and 1982, have given the theater an ageless beauty. In 2014, its splendid halls even provided the backdrop for the video of the song “Trattengo il fiato” by the singer Emma, bringing the magic of the theater into the homes of millions of viewers.

If you decide to attend one of the numerous events at the theater, at the end of the show, take a few minutes and stop in the foyer to appreciate the architectural details and maybe take some souvenir photos.


TICKET PRICE Depends on the show
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16. Università Carlo Bo – Collegio Raffaello (Carlo Bo University – Raphael College)

Interior of a classroom at the Carlo Bo University of Urbino (image source: Donatello.trisolino)


The University of Urbino “Carlo Bo” is a true jewel of Italian education, with a history that dates back to 1506 and makes it one of the oldest universities in Europe.

Founded under the Duchy of Urbino, thanks to Guidobaldo da Montefeltro and Pope Julius II, this institution has seen knowledge and culture flourish for over five centuries.

Walking through Urbino, you will find yourself immersed in an atmosphere charged with history and learning. The university itself is an open-air museum, with historic and modern buildings blending harmoniously.

Don’t miss a visit to the various university complexes scattered around the city, such as the faculties of Law, Education, and Economics, and the university college complex on Colle dei Cappuccini. Here are our directions to reach the main campus.


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Other Tourism Elements in Urbino: What to See and What to Eat

Vista sulla provincia di Pesaro Urbino

In addition to the wonders described above, we want to conclude this guide by offering you further ideas to enrich your visit to Urbino.

17. Parco della Resistenza (Resistance Park)

The Parco della Resistenza is an oasis of peace located on Monte S. Sergio, a stone’s throw from the historic center of Urbino. It’s the ideal place to take a break between visits to the city’s many attractions.

From here, the view opens onto a landscape that seems to have come out of a Renaissance painting, with the rooftops and towers of the historic center emerging among the green hills.

Visiting the park in spring or summer, you can enjoy an explosion of colors thanks to the blooming trees and flowers. To make your experience even more relaxing, bring a book and take advantage of one of the many benches to read in the shade of the trees.


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18. Historic Center of Urbino (UNESCO World Heritage Site)

In 1998, Urbino was included in the UNESCO World Heritage List, recognition that testifies to its leading role for the greatest scholars and artists of the Renaissance from all over Italy and the world.

The city has had a significant influence on European cultural progress and has managed to preserve its extraordinary urban complex almost intact.

19. The Gastronomic Excellences

The representation of vincisgrassi


During your stay in Urbino, don’t miss the opportunity to come into contact with the authentic flavors of the local cuisine. A must is the crescia sfogliata, a focaccia similar to piadina but flakier and tastier, filled with local cured meats, cheeses such as Urbino’s casciotta, and grilled vegetables. This delicious snack perfectly represents the simplicity and genuineness of the Marche tradition.

For a more substantial meal, savor the vincisgrassi, a typical version of lasagna from the Marche region, enriched with layers of egg pasta, dense and flavorful meat ragù, creamy béchamel, and a generous sprinkling of Parmesan. Every bite is an explosion of flavors that tells the culinary history of the region.

Another unmissable specialty is the coniglio in porchetta (rabbit porchetta), an extraordinary dish that combines tenderness and flavor. The rabbit is rolled and stuffed with wild fennel, garlic, rosemary, and pepper, then slowly cooked until the meat is succulent and aromatic.

To complete the culinary experience, accompany these dishes with the local wines, such as Bianchello del Metauro, a fresh and fruity white, perfect with crescia and white meat dishes, or Rosso Piceno, a full-bodied red wine that pairs beautifully with vincisgrassi and coniglio in porchetta. Every taste will allow you to discover the gastronomic soul of Urbino, leaving you with unforgettable memories and a desire to return soon.

What to See in Urbino in One Day

If you only have one day to visit Urbino, here are the places we recommend you don’t miss. Start your day at the Palazzo Ducale, a magnificent example of Renaissance architecture that houses the Galleria Nazionale delle Marche where you can admire masterpieces by artists such as Piero della Francesca and Raphael.

Then proceed to the Duomo di Urbino, an imposing cathedral that, with its splendid Neoclassical facade and fascinating interiors, recounts centuries of history and faith. Finally, visit the Casa Natale di Raffaello, where you can learn more about the great Renaissance master’s life and see some of his early works.

If, instead, you are thinking of staying in Urbino for a longer period, make sure your stay is comfortable and relaxing. Book one of our holiday homes in Urbino now and enjoy a rejuvenating break among the splendid hills of the city. If you also want to venture into other areas of the region, take a look at all our other villas in the Marche and choose the one in your favorite area.

Have a pleasant stay!


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