Whether you love the sea or prefer spending your leisure time walking through nature or exploring small ancient villages, Le Marche has the perfect solution for you.

This small Italian region, nestled between the Apennine mountains and facing the Adriatic Sea, is a treasure trove waiting to be discovered.

Through this article, we want to guide you to discover the most beautiful places, helping you organize your holidays in Le Marche with useful tips on special itineraries and destinations suitable for the most curious travelers. So, pack your bags and fasten your seatbelts: we’re off to uncover the hidden secrets of Le Marche.

Le Marche: Tips on Cities to Discover Inland

The inland places are a trove of history and nature, with medieval villages nestled among the hills that harbor wonders capable of leaving any tourist open-mouthed.

In the next few lines, you will find listed some of the most beautiful places to spend your summer vacation: here you can immerse yourself in ancient atmospheres and discover breathtaking views, artistic treasures, and traditions that speak of the past but are still well preserved today.


The Ducal Palace of Urbino

Immersed among the splendid hills of Le Marche, Urbino is a fascinating Renaissance jewel that contains historical and artistic treasures that enchant visitors from all over the world.

Walking through its historic center, declared a UNESCO World Heritage Site, is like taking a leap into the past.

The heart of the city is dominated by the grand Palazzo Ducale (Ducal Palace), a majestic structure that, with its elegant façades and richly decorated interiors, constitutes the main tourist attraction of the place. Among the other jealously guarded elements of this province of Le Marche, we also have the grand Duomo (Cathedral), the birthplace of the genius Raphael, and the Fortezza Albornoz (Albornoz Fortress).

But the beauties of Urbino are not limited to the city alone. The surrounding areas also hold interesting surprises for tourists, and it is for this reason that, to allow you to discover the lesser-known places, we have thought of also pointing out our guide on what to see in the province of Pesaro and Urbino.


Sferisterio of Macerata

Situated between the valley of the Potenza river and that of the Chieti river, Macerata is another city that we recommend including among the destinations of your itinerary.

Here you will come into contact with a place that speaks of a glorious past, where elegant stately palaces clash with forgotten villages, contributing to creating a truly unique setting.

Among the wonders of the place, the Sferisterio stands out, an open-air arena that today hosts the prestigious Macerata Opera Festival, transforming itself from a stadium into a temple of opera music. Walking through the winding alleys, you also discover treasures such as Palazzo Buonaccorsi and the Salone dell’Eneide (Hall of the Aeneid), which transport visitors to another era.

If you’re in the area, don’t miss a stop in Piazza della Libertà (Freedom Square), a convivial spot dominated by the enchanting planetary clock that twice a day comes to life with a parade of animated figures.

To conclude your visit in the best way, remember to move towards the outskirts of the city and visit Borgo Villa Ficana: a place that with its houses of raw earth and straw constitutes a monumental treasure of rare beauty.


View over the city of Ancona

Ancona, the regional capital, is a city located on a promontory that faces directly onto the sea and offers views that seem painted with watercolors.

Walking through the streets of the historic center, you discover corners of rare beauty, such as Piazza del Plebiscito, known as “Piazza del Papa” (Pope’s Square), with its outdoor cafes and the imposing statue of Clement XII, the Civic Art Gallery Francesco Podesti and the National Archaeological Museum of Le Marche, which house art treasures and historical artifacts of inestimable value.

The city also offers wonderful natural scenery, such as the Parco del Cardeto, a green oasis with trails leading to breathtaking panoramic viewpoints. And we cannot forget the Passetto beach, which with its caves carved into the rock and the elevator that leads directly to the sea, is a perfect place to relax and enjoy the summer sun. Find out more about what to see in Ancona by reading our guide on the subject.

Ascoli Piceno

Piazza del Popolo in Ascoli Piceno

Ascoli Piceno, one of the historic pearls of central Italy, is a jewel that contributes to making this part of the peninsula an area not to be underestimated. Upon your arrival, you will be greeted by Piazza del Popolo (People’s Square), a convivial place adorned with an elegant travertine floor and surrounded by porticoes and historic cafes that invite you to take a relaxing break.

Not far away, Piazza Arringo, the oldest square in the city, hosts the majestic Cathedral of Sant’Emidio and the Palazzo dell’Arengo, symbols of Ascoli’s architecture.

In addition to the enchanting buildings, in Ascoli you can also admire millennium-old constructions, such as the Ponte Romano (Roman Bridge) and the Forte Malatesta (Malatesta Fortress), which narrate the long and fascinating history of the civilizations that have inhabited the city.

This area, rich in attractions, is a place that holds surprises in every corner. Our invitation is to venture beyond the city and see everything around it. To help you, we have prepared a special guide for you on what to see in the province of Ascoli Piceno. Happy exploring!


Piazza del Popolo in Fermo

Imagine walking through the streets of a hilltop town and seeing the splendid sea in the distance. This is exactly the view that Fermo offers to all its guests.

But what to see in Fermo? Well, the heart of the city is the magnificent Piazza del Popolo (People’s Square), a place that seems to have come straight out of a Renaissance painting, framed by elegant palaces and porticoes that invite you to relax in one of the outdoor cafes.

Ascending towards Colle Sabulo, you will find the majestic Cathedral, a place of peace and beauty with a panoramic view that embraces both the Adriatic Sea and the majestic Sibillini Mountains.

But Fermo is not only history and architecture; the surrounding hills offer hiking trails that will allow you to discover entire fields of vineyards and olive groves, offering breathtaking views. And at the end of a day of exploration, you can delight your palate with the authentic flavors of Marche cuisine, perhaps accompanied by a good local wine.


View of the countryside from a hill in Recanati

Situated in the center of the region, Recanati was the birthplace of the great poet Giacomo Leopardi, and it’s no coincidence that here everything revolves around the life of the famous poet.

Walking through the streets of the historic center, every tourist has the opportunity to touch the places where the author spent much of his life. Among these are the small square of “Sabato del villaggio” (Saturday of the Village), the 18th-century Palazzo Leopardi, the poet’s birthplace with its precious library containing over 20,000 volumes, and the suggestive Casa di Silvia (Silvia’s House).

Not to be missed is also the Orto sul Colle dell’Infinito (Garden on the Hill of the Infinite), the plateau that inspired one of Leopardi’s most famous poems.

Tips for Holidays in Le Marche on the Most Beautiful Beaches

Le Marche is not only a treasure trove of enchanting historic cities, but also one of the most beautiful seaside destinations in Italy.

Here, tourists can enjoy sunny days on fine sandy beaches and practice water sports such as sailing and snorkeling in various parts of the coast. During the summer evenings, these areas come alive with festivals, concerts, and markets, creating a festive atmosphere that makes every vacation unforgettable.

San Benedetto del Tronto

View of one of the main streets of San Benedetto del Tronto

Situated in the province of Ascoli Piceno, San Benedetto del Tronto is located in the heart of the Riviera delle Palme (Palm Riviera), a stretch of coastline that owes its name to the widespread presence of this type of plant.

This town, just a few kilometers from the Abruzzo town of Martinsicuro, attracts thousands of tourists every year for its beautiful seafront promenade, which offers the possibility of taking long walks immersed in a fairy-tale setting and observing a sea that has been awarded the Blue Flag title several times.

No less impressive is the historic center, an old village full of restaurants where you can savor the local specialties or take photos of the peculiar works of art scattered around the city.


The Rotonda a Mare in Senigallia

Best known for its famous Velvet Beach, Senigallia is a city that also boasts a rich historical heritage, with the picturesque center still intact with jewels such as the Rocca Roveresca, an imposing Renaissance fortress, and the Rotonda a Mare (Seaside Rotunda), an elegant circular building that juts out onto the sea and hosts cultural events and exhibitions.

The center is dotted with restaurants and trattorias offering the best of Marche cuisine, with dishes based on fresh fish and local specialties that delight the palate.

Throughout the year, we have numerous events, such as the Summer Jamboree, the famous 1940s and 1950s music and culture festival that enlivens the summer evenings, transforming Senigallia into an open-air stage. Learn more about what to see in Senigallia by reading our guide on the subject!


Panorama of the city of Grottammare

As part of the renowned Riviera delle Palme, Grottammare is characterized by a stretch of palm trees that line lush pine forests, creating a truly fascinating tropical landscape.

Here, visitors can enjoy breathtaking scenery where the clear blue of the sea blends harmoniously with the vibrant green of the vegetation, offering a chromatic contrast that leaves you breathless.

Grottammare is the ideal destination for those seeking a relaxing break, with tranquil beaches and a mild climate that invites relaxation. At the same time, it’s perfect for cycling enthusiasts who can explore the hidden trails and discover magical corners, pedaling through spectacular scenery and charming small villages.


The city of Sirolo seen from above

Within the magnificent Conero Park lies the picturesque village of Sirolo, a medieval town that boasts one of the most beautiful seas on the Adriatic.

The most famous beach in Sirolo is undoubtedly that of the Due Sorelle (Two Sisters), a magical spot where the turquoise colors of the sea blend with the white cliffs, creating a postcard-perfect landscape.

Sirolo is also deeply romantic, with a square overlooking the riviera that in summer becomes the main meeting place. Here, seated in one of the outdoor cafes, you can enjoy an ice cream while admiring the breathtaking view of the sea as the sun sets on the horizon.

Tips for a Holiday in the Natural Parks of Le Marche

In addition to having a splendid sea and unique historic cities, Le Marche is also the ideal destination for those who love adventure and exploration. This region, in fact, offers a network of natural parks that seem tailor-made for cycling and trekking enthusiasts.

From protected reserves to majestic mountains, every corner of this region offers the opportunity to indulge as you please, ensuring a memorable break, centered around nature and movement.

Parco Nazionale dei Monti Sibillini (Sibillini Mountains National Park)

A part of the Monti Sibillini Park

With its 70,000 hectares of territory, this park is a true biodiversity treasure that fascinates and enchants every visitor. It offers the possibility of being explored far and wide by any means and has dozens and dozens of trails that can be traveled both on foot and by bicycle.

The variety of routes allows you to immerse yourself in breathtaking landscapes, where nature reigns supreme. For adventure and extreme sports enthusiasts, here the most daring can experience the thrill of hang gliding, climbing, and rafting, living truly electrifying moments.

Among the numerous enchanting villages that dot this area, Norcia and Arquata del Tronto stand out for their beauty and historical charm. Visiting them means taking a journey through time, amidst ancient traditions and fascinating architecture.

Parco Naturale Regionale del Sasso Simone e Simoncello (Sasso Simone and Simoncello Regional Nature Park)

View of the Sassi Simone and Simoncello (image source: Toni Pecoraro)

In the heart of the Montefeltro region, among the hills of the Umbrian-Marche Apennines, lies the Sasso Simone and Simoncello park, a protected area of almost 5,000 hectares where two imposing rock colossi with flat tops, the Sassi Simone and Simoncello, rise majestically alongside Mount Carpegna, creating a landscape that captures the imagination of anyone who ventures there.

This park is not only a place of extraordinary beauty, but also a custodian of fascinating stories, such as that of the fortress-city of Sasso, built in the 16th century by Cosimo I de’ Medici.

The park has a vast network of trails accessible on foot, on horseback, or by mountain bike, allowing you to explore this territory in all its parts and discover every living being that inhabits it, from wolves to golden eagles and peregrine falcons.

Parco della Gola della Rossa e di Frasassi (Rossa Gorge and Frasassi Park)

The interior of the Frasassi Caves

This park of over 10,000 hectares is a haven of unique landscapes, gorges, and fairy-tale-like medieval villages.

With 35 marked trails, this place lends itself to beautiful hikes, but also to exciting mountain biking or horseback riding tours. Thanks to the streams that can be found in various areas of the park, the most adventurous are also allowed the possibility of canoeing and rafting, or, for those who love heights, climbing the limestone walls of the mountains.

If extreme sports are your passion, then don’t miss the Frasassi Climbing Festival in September: an unmissable event for climbing and outdoor enthusiasts.

Get ready to embark on a journey that will leave you breathless!

Tips on the Local Delicacies You Must Try

And after giving you tips on where to go, we can only offer final suggestions on the typical dishes not to be missed!


A tray containing a portion of Vincisgrassi

This dish is a Marche variation of lasagna. In this case, the layers of egg pasta are filled with a mixed meat ragù (beef, pork, and chicken giblets), béchamel sauce, and Parmesan cheese, all baked until a delicious golden crust forms.


A close-up of Brodetto

Brodetto is a traditional Marche fish soup, particularly common along the coast. It is prepared with a variety of fresh fish and seafood, cooked in a tomato and white wine broth with garlic, parsley, and chili pepper. Each city has its own variation, but all share an abundance of seafood flavors.

Olive all’ascolana

A close-up of a portion of Ascolana olives

Olive all’ascolana are a fried delicacy from the city of Ascoli Piceno. The large green olives are pitted, stuffed with a mixture of ground meat, parmesan, eggs, and spices, then breaded and fried until golden. These crispy, flavorful morsels are perfect as an appetizer or second course.


Close-up of the Marchigian Cicerchiata

Cicerchiata is a traditional Marche dessert, similar to Neapolitan struffoli. Small fried pasta balls are mixed with hot honey and formed into a wreath. Once cooled, the dessert solidifies, becoming crispy and sticky. It’s a typical delight of the Carnival period.


A close-up of the Bostrengo dessert

This is a typical Christmas dessert made with rice, corn flour, dried fruit, honey, and cocoa. It’s a rich, dense dessert, often enriched with apples, pears, and raisins, offering a unique combination of flavors and textures.

Final Tips for a Dream Holiday in Le Marche

We hope this guide has provided you with useful tips for organizing your holidays in this splendid region of central Italy in the best possible way. Before concluding, we want to give you some useful suggestions about accommodation.

To experience a true dream vacation, be sure to book an elegant, comfortable place that guarantees you maximum privacy. Choose one of our villas in Le Marche: holiday homes immersed in greenery near the main places of interest that will allow you to fully enjoy your vacation, without sacrificing comfort.

We are located in every corner of the region, ready to help you find the perfect accommodation at any time. Book your dream villa with Anita Villas now.


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